Why Does The West HATE Vladimir Putin And Russia And To The Point That It's Willing To Risk Nuclear War?
The answer is sinister and pure concentrated evil.
Vladimir Putin is the most hated man on the planet…well, that’s according to the US and western elites who have specifically targeted Putin and Russia. They want Putin dead and Russia under their control. Neither Putin nor Russia have done anything harmful to anybody and unlike the US and its European allies, he hasn’t started any wars of aggression or raped and pillaged any nation.
The current situation in Ukraine is the direct result of President Obama and the CIA engineering a 2014 regime change in Ukraine, tossing the legitimately elected government and putting the neo Nazis in charge in Kiev. The CIA proceeded to train/arm murderous Nazis groups like the Azov Battalion to kill the Russian speaking Ukrainians who live in Eastern Ukraine. Putin only intervened to protect these innocent victims and save lives. For openly defying western elites who operate under the unbrella of the World Economic Forum, Putin and Russia have been severely punished with horrific sanctions. Under President Trump, things in Ukraine were calm as Putin and Trump kept the fragile situation from escalating. But the neocon Biden regime unleashed horrific violence. Biden is a longtime neocon warmonger and his corrupt to the core family benefited enormously from plundering Ukraine during the Obama years. It was Obama who put Biden in charge of Ukraine.
Anyway, the hated of Russia starts with a basic history lesson.
Long before humanity and in particular Western Civilization arrived, it’s important to understand how humans lived and it’s not a pretty story. The human hoards lived mostly under feudalism, a form of land slavery because most folks were serfs. Basically, all land and the means of production were controlled by monarchies and their loyal lords. Humanity was mostly a slave class of landless land serfs who toiled on the the vast plantations and factories of their masters in exchange for rudimentary housing and subsistence level food.
Capitalism, industrialization, human rights and property rights changed that equation. In the never ending quest to elevate humanity to its highest potential, many have fought for liberty. The landless serfs fought for and became endowed with bundles of rights that included property rights, political rights and other rights collectively know as our God given bundle of natural rights.
Things started changing rapidly. Monarchies fell as people power rose and not always for the better; the French Revolution was a bloody disaster and orgy of cruelty. Martin Luther challenged Papal power and Protestant-ism was born from the word PROTEST which was a revolt against the corrupt Catholic Church. The history of Europe is a blood soaked history of religious wars, wars of conquest, civil wars etc. but the light at the end of the tunnel was across the pond with the discovery of America.
America was where everybody wanted to be as folks escaped European wars, religious persecution and misery to arrive in the promised land where land and opportunity were plentiful for those willing to work and work they did. America was hardly the land of milk and honey but perseverance and hard work birthed and built one. Frankly nothing like it had ever existed before in human history. With liberty and opportunity, Americans achieved and extraordinary level of civilization and human progress.
The two key components to our success were liberty and sound money because they literally magnified We the People power. But the elites were miserable and hated free market competition and especially sound money. So they plotted to gain control back from We the People and that started in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve and income tax (16th Amendment). With those tools, a free and prosperous America was dismantled in about 100 years with the worst of the treachery occurring subsequent to 1971 when Nixon closed the gold window.
Globalist organizations and institutions were created for the express purpose of concentrating absolute economic and political power. We got the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, World Economic Forum (WEF), United Nations and other groups that were largely funded by very rich, power mad oligarchs.
Fast forwarding to the here and now, we’ve all heard about Klaus Schwab of the WEF proudly proclaiming that humanity will own nothing and be happy. These organizations and transnational groups are literally plotting and implementing global totalitarian government, something that has never been achieved in human history and they believe they are close, damn close.
While many things have been implemented to slowly hack away at national sovereignty, liberty and free trade, none is more important than peddling global warming because it’s the kingpin that solidifies their power. The global warming aka globaloney schemes/scams are significant because they affect the ability of nations and its people to produce and become modern economies.
As Europe and America literally strangle their economies with Green New Deal nonsense while outlawing or massively reducing fossil fuel usage, the plan to boot humanity back to the Stone Age is clear. Everybody with half a braincell understands that Green Energy is a total fraud and that there aren’t enough rare earths to propel a modern prosperous economy. While global warming schemes are being sold as SAVING THE PLANET schemes, it’s all a big fat lie. The end game was NEVER about saving a planet that was never in environmental jeopardy but it was definitely all about achieving raw and absolute power.
Without an abundant supply of cost effective energy, civilization as we know it dies. Industrialization dies. Modern economies die. We die.
There is a reason why the Biden Administration on day one shutdown American pipelines and energy exploration. America is a fairly energy rich country and Trump policies had us not only energy independent but America also became an energy exporter. Europe really doesn’t have much energy and is dependent on importing it.
Who is sitting on the motherload of global energy? Russia! Russia is sitting on the world’s top natural gas reserves, here. Russian natural gas reserves are hugely significant at about 25% of the world’s supply. Also, Russia is a major oil producer, here.
Barrels Produced Per Day
United States 11,567,000 Reference date: 12/2021
Russia 10,503,000, Reference date: 11/2021
Saudia Arabia 10,225,000, Reference date: 02/2022
Canada 4,656,000, Reference date: 11/2021
Bottom line: Russia is so energy rich that it can propel a global economy for many, many years. In fact and despite US sanction on Russian gas and oil, Russian energy is dirt cheap and nations, especially India and growth hungry Asian nations, are buying it up.
So long as Russia and its vast energy reserves exist, the WEF and globalists will not achieve their dream of global totalitarian control because they won’t have the raw and absolute power to destroy modern economies. Moreover, the West and its oligarchies are in trouble because China and India have huge populations (nearly 3 billion folks) which when combined with high population Asian nations creates a formidable population block that is unlikely to be controlled by the West. Population is something that cannot be ignored. Asia has 60% of the world’s population, here.
Therefore, Putin is vilified as the super villain of the planet because he has the energy, kinda like the Arbys commercial that screams We Have the Meats. Putin is powering China, India and Asia along with the Middle East. But Putin also has a tremendous geographic advantage because building oil/gas pipelines to feed its relatively close customers is something that benefit everybody EXCEPT the western lunatics who believe they can depopulate the planet and achieve total global control simply by denying humanity energy.
The West isn’t going to win this game for several reasons. China, India and Asia have no desire whatsover to commit economic suicide, unlike America and Europe. Furthermore, Turkey and the Middle East are distancing themselves from US control and joining Asia, China and India.
As the West inplodes from the insanity of a severely debauched culture, destroyed families and traditions, corrupt totalitarian governments, oligarchy, fascism, corporatism, nonstop bullying of everybody on the planet, endless wars and massive institutional corruption at all levels, a new civilization will rise up from the ashes of what was once the greatest civilization in human history.
Western Civilization may be the pawn of the globalists as it lies on its deathbed but destroying Russia won’t save the evil rat bastards at the WEF and other organizations and institutions that have been obsessed with achieving raw and absolute global power. What is planned is indeed a return to feudalism but an updated industrial feudalism.
Finally, it’s critically important to understand that while energy is a top economic factor propelling the oligarch globalists and their goals, that component has an equally important and perhaps even more important factor: control of the the world’s monetary policies via a world reserve currency. The dollar is currently the world’s reserve currency and it has been used far more to punish nations than to facilitate mutually beneficial trade. Hence, many nations are trying to escape the dollar. China and Russia have been stockpiling gold for years in anticipation of the collapse of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. When that happens, America just becomes another south of the border styled bankrupt banana boat republic and our standard of living collapses.
That said, the monetary catastrophe facing us is the direct result of a criminal Congress destroying the dollar with a mountain of inflationry debt, $31 trillion to be precise. But that issue is for another post.
This war in ukraine is all about oil.
Good take on matters played out in the European Far East J.M.
Eclectic, sweeping up all the usual suspects with descriptors they do not normally hear when talking amongst themselves.
Indeed has that Grand Strategy, the US-NATO-UK Ukrainian Proxy War on Russia, to tip over their Government, seize resources and apply pressure on China's Russian border, over the lives of Ukrainians, has failed. Their longest of the long Longshots, indeed their best shot, creating the circumstances for NATO's largest and most well trained armed forces in Europe, the Armed Forces of the Ukraine, to go up against a tactically smaller Russian Armed Forces, now leading to the demilitarization of The Ukraine and so the complete opposite of stated objectives.
Their hangout road - The Ukraine is not a formal NATO country. Ukraine's destruction does not trigger that reflexive NATO invasion. They got that right and so we accord credit, however limited, where credit is richly deserved.
Judgment shall be by outcomes. Expect several hundred thousand AFU deaths and the drift of unwanted refugees into Western Europe, to test their wonderous principles of Multiculturalism.
These matters and others, J.M, examined in grand, sweeping narratives from a contemporary, strategic standpoint.
Be warned. Long reads, abstruse prose. One will come out looking visibly older, perhaps even wiser although that is speculative . . . https://les7eb.substack.com